Financially stable cryptocurrency
This is no longer fantastic.
Under the concept of "Stability" our team understands the state of the ecosystem, which, when moving time to infinity, (in our opinion) will have the most positive impact on the same state of the ecosystem. In doing so, we try to keep the system in balance and not alter its structure, in the broad sense of the word. For example, unlike the plans of the LIBRA project, we do not use the assets invested in parabola to buy other assets in the broad sense of the word, that is, we do not dispose of the assets of our clients, even if there is a slight risk of their loss.

In the narrow sense, we may partially sell overvalued assets for the purchase of undervalued assets so as not to disturb the pre-established equilibrium. That is, PARABOLA a priori is doomed to stability in our understanding of the concept, and the company's actions only affect the speed of strengthening the asset.
Our stability is ensured by the diverse range of currencies that PARABOLA relies on. As of today, these currencies are cryptocurrencies, private currencies and smartcoines - digital assets on Bitshares blockchain platforms that are "tied" in some way to the corresponding "parent" asset.
Ecosystem stability is achieved through sophisticated formulas of linking the price of a parabola to the prices of a significant number of assets.
What does it give?
1. Ability to use parabola as a stablecoin, expressing other assets through parabola.
2. Keep your assets in parabola.
PARABOLA is also convenient because it has the features of a digital currency.
What does it give?
1. Instant transfers worldwide on the Bitshares platform.
2. Buying and selling digital assets on the Bitshares platform using a stable parabola.
Cryptocurrency mining
Mining is absent in its classical sense. There are only 2 ways to get new coins into the system:
1) purchase of new coins. Thus, new coins are given relative value;
2) the "materialization" of new coins, depending on the amount of ecosystem profits that resemble mining.
PARABOLA is not distributed as gifts or promotions.
PARABOLA can be distributed to company clients as a salary in only one case - as part of the profit earned by the system through the work performed by that client for the benefit of the system.